Saturday, February 22, 2014

16 weeks

Today is an exciting day we got out first two nursery items. Thanks to mom and dad we got our Pottery Barn cribs. I know it's a little early especially since we don't even have a nursery to put them in yet but I saw they were on sale and they are phasing out the white color so I couldn't risk waiting. :) Here is a picture:

I love the bead board on the side and the cuteness to the legs. So simple and perfect. I also love the other furniture in the Catalina collection. This is just the beginning. 

We had a doctors appointment two weeks ago and the babies were doing great. One of the babies had their legs out straight, they looked so long and cute. I'm feeling great and had gained just the right amount of weight. I was glad Richie was there to hear this because he has been nagging me that I need to eat more. :) So far so good though. We have our next appointment in two weeks. It's our big anatomy scan....60 minutes long for each baby...I wonder if I get a snack break in-between?! :) We will find out the sex of the other baby at this appointment and I CAN'T wait! I feel like we are at an in between point right now...I can't really start registering, I'm just barely showing etc. but after next week we will be able to start preparing for more. We will also start our 5 week (3 hours long) multiples class. We are looking forward to this. 

Other than that I sent out our valentine announcement, I ordered some maternity pants from Old Navy, and I have been trying to walk or go to the gym when the weathers bad to get some exercise. I did a pregnancy strength and stretch video that I ordered the other night and I only did a few push ups, squats, and lungs and my legs were so shaky I couldn't hardly walk up the was so easy nothing compared to a normal workout I'd do....this tells me I need to keep doing this workout. :) It felt good to be active but of course not over do it. 

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