Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gender Reveal

{ 18 weeks }
Such exciting news!  We found out on Monday that we are having a boy and a girl. :) Yay! 
We had our anatomy scan and not only found out the gender but found out both babies are healthy and growing. It was amazing to see the brain, the 4 chambers in the heart, the babies swallowing, their fingers, toes, spines, bellies....etc. 
Both of the babies were very active and a little bit suborn...I had to turn on both sides, and sit up to try and get them in the right positions for the scan. Baby A is the girl, she is head down, on my left side and facing my back. Baby B, the boy,  is head up (breech) and on my right. 
Right now they are about 8 ounces. 
After the scan with the specialist I saw my Dr. and she said things are going great. I was supposed to gain 8 pounds from my last appointment and only gained 4 so I need to gain more weight this month. She said...."don't fill up on carrots and get rid of anything "light", buy the full calorie products". :) Maybe this is going to be harder than I thought to gain as much weight as I need to. 

When we scheduled the appointment for our scan and it was a day after Richie's birthday I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to get together with the family for dinner and do a fun reveal. 

I thought that a cake with the colors of the gender on the inside would be perfect. 
I baked the cakes on Sunday (the day before) because I knew I wouldn't have time to do it all after my appointment. So I baked 2 strawberry cakes and 4 white cakes with blue coloring. I thought I would need 4 cakes and I had to be prepared for 2 pink/2 blue or 4 blue. When I started to assemble the cake I realized that two cakes were plenty, 4 cakes made it very anyways I ended up with a lot of extra cake (better than not enough). :) 
I thought it turned out very cute. We brought the cake to dinner along with a few straws. I brought 3 pink polka dot straws with pink lips attached and 3 blue polka dot straws with mustaches attached. I had the family pick the straw according to what they thought the other baby would be. 
mom- blue
dad- pink
grandpa- blue
grandma- pink (I think)
Then I made everyone wait until after dinner and it was torture for them. :)

While we were waiting for our food to come, mom gave me a bag of goodies to open. SO many cute baby things...2 of everything. :) Eeee and the clothes are so little. Will they really be that little?!

After dinner we sang happy birthday to Richie and then cut the cake. Everyone was so happy. It was also very delicious!

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