Friday, August 9, 2013

Dinner Date Night Jar

After summer school ended last week I have been busily trying to get everything done on my summer to do list...mostly this list contains things like cleaning out the closet, organizing my file cabinet etc. but there are a few fun craft projects on this list and the Dinner Date Night Jar is the one I worked on yesterday. I love craft projects!  Richie also loves that I'm so crafty but usually it means it's going to cost him....he says "that's a great much is it going to cost me" either because the materials of the craft or the result of the craft activity. Even though he always asks about the money I know he enjoys these crafty ideas as much as I do. :)

So anyways Richie and I love to eat yummy food and love to try new restaurants. I've had an on-going list for a long time now of restaurants I want to try and we just never seem to get to this list, mostly because all of these incredible restaurants I want to try are in Seattle and come on, when it comes to dinner it's a lot easier to just end up at one of our favorites in Kirkland (like Cactus). So I decided to fix this by making a Dinner Date Night Jar!

I'm so excited about this Jar. :) The plan is to choose one of these cards at the beginning of each month and whichever restaurant is on that card is the restaurant we will try. I looked at many lists of the best restaurants in Seattle, on yelp and urbanspoon, and also took from this list. I tired to add variety, there is... Thai, Mexican, French, Italian, BBQ and maybe a brunch or two.
 I went into my scraps of craft papers and chose to do a mixtures of greens and browns. I wrote one restaurant on each paper, rolled it up and tied a bow. We have a lot to choose from, we better get started. :)

 I kept some wine corks in the bottom so the jar so it wouldn't seem so empty, and tied a bow of green tulle around the jar for "cuteness". Since this picture I added a small gold ribbon on top of the green to make it stand out a little more.
And here is right where it will sit...on our dining room table. Can't wait to pick our first one. 

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